A whopping 56 walkers joined us for our April Monthly walk to Pittencrieff Park (Dunfermline Glen) last week, we also welcomed a few new walkers on the day! The weather was on our side so we ventured through the park, into the greenhouse, visited the Abbey and also the various gardens surrounding the Glen. We then all enjoyed a light bite and refreshments at the Glen Tarern after our walk- thank you for having us.
Next month we’re off to Palace Rig Loch, Cumbernauld on Tuesday 22nd May. Free transport available leaving Hawkhill Community Centre (Alloa) at 12.30pm, Camelon Ed Centre at 1pm and Carron Co-op at 1.10pm. Booking is essential- please contact Eva on 01324 673703 or eva.finlayson@nhs.net. Everyone welcome. We look forward to seeing you there.
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