*!Falkirk Weekly Walks Resuming!*
With recent Government and Paths for All guidance update walking groups can meet outside in groups of up to 30, keeping 2m social distancing. We can now progress forward from our Buddy Walks…
*We’re therefore delighted to announce that our weekly walks will restart on week beginning Monday 7th September*
This also includes our two night walks.
Please note our Dawson walk will commence on Wednesday 16th September due to Walk Leader holidays- please now meet to left of old Co-op building.
Our FVRH walk will meet next to bike racks on left at hospital front entrance.
Please carry hand sanitiser, a face mask and a bottle of water.
All safety measures will be highlighted at the start of each walk.
We are welcoming all current Braveheart walkers back and look forward to seeing you then. If you’d like to join a Braveheart walk for the first time then please contact Eva on 07979700112 or eva.finlayson@nhs.scot