“I wouldn’t know what to do without this service”
“The lady who does my feet is so knowledgeable and is always full of advice”
Thank You
“I’m not able to reach my feet now. I can’t thank you enough for helping”
Absolutely Love
“I absolutely love coming to get my nails clipped”
New Friendships
“I’ve made many new friends and enjoy the routine”
Discovered More
“We have discovered lots of new local attractions since walking with Braveheart”
Using Car Less
“I am thrilled at how much fitter I feel since I ditched my car and started walking more”
Major Part of My Life
“Braveheart walks have been a major part of my life since my husband passed away and the Walk Leaders are lovely”
Mental Health
“My mental health has improved greatly since joining the walks”
Safe Outdoors
“I prefer to be outdoors and being part of this group has allowed me to feel safe and make new friendships”